
Anne Springer
1 min readApr 9, 2021


A Poem of Agony. A Cry for Help.

Photo by Nathan Thomassin on Unsplash

It’s so encompassing.
Every breath feels like a battle that might be better left unfought.
A stomach cramp a welcome reminder that I’m still here,
That I haven’t floated away in the sea of agony.

A tsunami crashing toward land.
Tearing apart my insides until I am left barren.

Silence screaming.
Waiting for the sob.
Plastering the pieces of me back together.
Creating a bridge,
So the earth won’t swallow her.

I am already gone.
Like a balloon that has left the hand.
Floating away.

But she needs me.
The little girl, crying in her bed.
I am supposed to help.

How can I help when my presence frightens her?
When my touch sears her skin?
When the ministrations meant to save rend her apart instead?

She loves me.
She doesn’t want to fear me.
I love her.
I don’t want to hurt her.

But there is no other way.

And so I am left barren, in a sea of pain, floating away.
And she withers without me.

She needs me, but I can’t find me.

Please, God.

Find me.
Put me together.
Hold me together.
She needs me.

I need you.



Anne Springer

I’m a speculative fiction and poetry writer, a curious soul who never grows tired of asking “Why” and “What if?” Look up AuthorAnneSpringer on Facebook!